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1 min read
Are You a Serial Poster?
No, I don’t mean an advertisement for Frosties. I’m talking Social Media. Withough careful thought and a strategy for your social media...

1 min read
Do you follow the 70/20/10 Rule? #socialmedia
Not to be confused with the learning model – big brands get the most success from their social media marketing efforts by following this...

1 min read
How long should your social media posts be?
Read this handy infographic on creating the best social media posts ever! #Content #headings #onlinepruk #theinternetisazoo #Twitter...
1 min read
Re-read your latest Facebook post now!
If you reread your latest Facebook post or promotional headline with this in mind, you could get more people excited about what you’re...

1 min read
The Like Ladder #likeladder
The Like Ladder is intended for businesses in your audience to tag themselves (@onlinepruk) then actively ‘liking’ all the other business...

1 min read
Giveaway: Free advice sheet for 1 social media platform!
Up for grabs is a free advice sheet for one social media channel. This will include tips to make your channel of choice better, more...
1 min read
Social Media Campaign for #students
Not sure if any of you caught this on Digital Buzz but I wanted to highlight how bloody good this campaign is to get students interested...

2 min read
5 Key Points For Your Marketing Strategy
Whether you are a hair salon, a cafe, an Ecommerce business or a brand, either way marketing is changing still and plans need to be made...

4 min read
One Giant Leap into Social Media Marketing: Free Chapter!
One Giant Leap into Social Media Marketing I thought I would share the intro of my book with you. I have had many emails from people that...

2 min read
This is a GREAT Campaign because….
Gotta love Cadbury…they are not only a brilliant brand, but they use social media at the heart of all their marketing efforts. Very well....

3 min read
40 Brilliant Facebook Tips:
Do not neglect! Use your company logo or a picture you are using on your blog, Twitter, Linked in etc. Create synergy and create...

1 min read
One Giant Leap into Social Media Marketing
Available to download from all good eBook stores! One Giant Leap into Social Media Marketing is an up to the minute guide for small...

1 min read
Online PR’s Fun Infographic on Social Media
I thought I would share my own fun social media infographic as a little reminder on how to approach your social media for business! Enjoy...

1 min read
Look how Facebook has risen in 4 years! #Infographic
Thought this might raise a few eyebrows! Facebook has become MAHOOSIVE! In just 4 years its users of the social media platform have...

1 min read
Best and Worst Times to Post on your Social Networks! #infographic
Happy Monday!.. I came across this brilliant infographic which gives you the best and worst times to post up on your social media...

2 min read
Remember Remember the 5th of @Movember
‘During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in the UK and around the...

2 min read
Why is @VO5UK the best social media campaign of the moment?
“We love self expression. That’s why we want to hear your original songs and help you share them with others. If you’re an aspiring...

1 min read
How to Remove Deactivated Facebook Friends..FAST
Thanks to Mafia Wars Loot Lady who has generously shared the script in which you can add to your friends edit page on Facebook and it...

1 min read
Look how Barnados have used Facebook Apps
Have you seen what Barnados (@barnardos) have done with their new Facebook App? It’s using Flash so viewing will be disturbed unless on...

1 min read
The list of speakers is phenomenal and if you are anything like me, a kid in a candy shop, the excitement has just about killed me and...
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