They began working on 9dClearing in 2012, a brand new healing process enabling you to live your life without limits. 9d works with the elements, the senses, and 9th dimensional energy to clear self-limiting patterns and negative soul imprints and works in small groups. Baffled? Don’t be. We all make repeated mistakes in life, patterns reform, merge even and we sometimes get a little lost. It’s also incredibly easy for us to create negative energy around ourselves and others and sometimes this happens unconsciously. Plus deeper neurosis form from childhood and overall life experience by default and we carry this round at all times. This kind of behavior can most definitely restrict us in every day life and prevent us from achieving, growing and generally stop the good stuff happening. We need to rid ourselves of these ‘scars’ to move on freely and confidently and when we dig deep, we will always be surprised with what we find!
They Say: 9dClearing works parallel to the vibrations of the planet, which is currently shifting to a higher frequency. As we move into this new energy, we cannot take our old heavy, dense energies of hurt, anger, pain and fear with us. As we move into this more unified way of being and thinking, we are also moving away from the heavier illusionary energies of lack, struggle, drama, control and suffering into the lighter energies of ease, flow, happiness and abundance for all. After the course, you are able to live your life with more freedom, awareness and appreciation than ever before. If you’re looking for change in your life and ready to take your life to the next level, then 9D clearing is for you. This amazing process is a totally new experience suitable for anyone interested in personal development or changing their life and who wishes to clear limiting fears, beliefs or life patterns, expand their consciousness to new levels and live more in the now without being stuck in the past or worrying about the future.”
And it works. I know.
Malta’s little Sister Gozo…
Gozo is the perfect home for such an experience and this diminutive island packs a whole lot of punch. It has long been associated with the story of Homer’s Odyssey where the nymph Calypso, who had great supernatural powers fell in love with Odysseus, holds him captive for a number of years until finally releasing him to continue his journey home. (I for one wouldn’t want to be messing with her. Ahem.) It is also here that the ancient temples dedicated to the Great Earth Mother, a goddess of fertility, are proudly preserved. Evidence indicates there was even an oracle here too. All in all Gozo is fast becoming an island of retreat where mind body and soul takes precedence. And why wouldn’t it? Wherever you are on the island you are close to the ocean, you can detox, retox, (the wine has improved to a more than quaffable standard and what is not to love about Mediterranean food?) take a yoga, swimming, diving, cycling or walking break or just unwind in a Gozitan spa surrounded by remote, unspoilt countryside – a photographers dream. It won’t be long before Conde Naste Traveller works this out and gives it the sizeable glossy feature it deserves. Spiritually, there is a fast growing community of healers, holistic and alternative therapists, energy and light workers and generally lovely people that care for us, our planet and the universe being drawn there and I have no doubts that this enhances the islands already distinctive and intensely effective energy. One of the oldest most sacred sites, structures, temples, and caves in the world are on this island. The Ġgantija temples date back to 3600-2500 BC – that’s older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge! Therefore where better to reconnect with yourself move beyond restricted thinking, live your life for you and adapt some proper self-care. Have I convinced you of its pocket rocket powers yet?
This is not an article to thrust outlandish hippy beliefs upon you, but a piece that hopefully makes you wonder and ultimately put Gozo and the girls 9d Clearing course on your radar. The combination of healing, meditation, quiet times, soul searching and being present on the energetic and powerful island of Gozo is radical but full proof. Those in the know – should know, Tolle fans will be in their element and those that don’t? Well you should open your mind and give it a go. I guarantee you won’t regret it. Life truly becomes more open, easier, manageable and happier and you feel a resounding feeling of ultimate freedom. What’s not to love?
Thanks Lucy and Pip. I’ll be back.
9D Clearing & Ancient Site Alignments Mediterranean Retreat Includes transfers, B&B, lunches, 9D course & ancient site visits. Facebook Twitter