Being taken to a ‘Love Brunch’ on a Sunday morning after dancing the night away in a field sounded like a decent plan. We arrived in the cobbled; Cornish stoned location just in time for our booking at midday, no indicator to what it was called, just a tiny yellow hanging chair for a sign, nice touch. I immediately felt like I could get my groove on again as the DJ sat in the corner was playing some absolute tunes! Some easy listening, some hip juddering but all with a funk beat. He had no qualms popping a slice of Barbara Streisand next to Rico Suave Bossa Nova with a dollop of Stevie and it was at a volume that meant you could still hear over the table but feel that you were at a party. That was the ‘love’ part checked!

Our ‘brunch’ order was taken by owner, Kate – a very hospitable, clued up chick who has spotted a huge gap in the market in what was once a scarily retrograde town with not much going on, bringing with it a bit of fun, character and cool.
From the scribbled yet prolific chalkboard, you could choose Eggs Benedict, Blueberry Pancakes, Bacon & Maple Syrup, Guacamole and Sourdough Toast to mention a few and it struck me that if you wanted anything else, they would deliver. Difficult to choose with a raging hunger on and a soar head but I went for Eggs Benedict and a perfectly balanced Bloody Mary. Delicious.

The place had oodles of charm. Spaces for large and small groups and a delightful little garden, for sun or shade and decorated with a little vintage smatterings and cool pastel colours making use of the original brick walls and wood floor. You cold sit on chapel benches covered with comfy woolen rugs or relax on your favourite wooden rocking chair and were served with a beautiful medley of vintage plates, spoons, cups and saucers. Always triumphs.
We stayed, for quite a while. We ate, we laughed, we read, we danced. We made it our front room. We were given complimentary shots of fresh strawberry loveliness and were fairly welcomed by what seemed to be the ‘in crowd’. It was also nice to see a mix of ages throughout the day. My only gripe was the complete lack of Wi-Fi or Internet connection. Not that I am utterly dependent on my link to the rest of the world (Ahem) but so I could scrupulously Shazam every damn song the DJ, Kia played. Their absolute piece de résistance.
Its great to see some risks being taken, some thought going into customer service and hip and stylish thinking and hope this will encourage others to do the same in this well loved British seaside town.
The Front Room 83 Market Jew Street Penzance TR18 2LG T: 01736 448681 @frontroompz
