It goes without saying that we all would like the option to try before we buy, not only would it earn immediate trust and loyalty from our customers, but it gives them a CHOICE.
We live in a world nowadays where (and some may argue) that there are too many choices. Pfff.
I disagree and I love that there are numerous amounts of choices in our everyday lives. I love that you can change your career at the drop of a hat, or fly off to distant lands in a day or bag a much sort after’s clients digits like, yesterday – but let’s face it choice is important.
So many small businesses are adopting the ethic, as I am, of giving stuff away. Whether it is a tester product, prizes via competitions, a free haircut from your salon, or just simple information. If you have something that is worth something to someone else, then you have something to give away. This will ensure your client base not only returns, but trusts you – hell, let’s go the whole hog and say they even quite like you!
Now, if all businesses adopted an ethic along those lines, in some form or another where possible, how much more enjoyable society would be! I believe that the days are gone where by people are precious about information and ideas. The more we share, the more we learn and the more we give, the more we get.
Social Media makes this possible. Whichever channel you have chosen to promote your business and get to know your customers, be it Twitter, Facebook, Linked In etc. You are now able to run a more fully functional, active and trustworthy service for the people that matter. What are you waiting for?!
I will be talking about way’s in which to engage your clients via social media in more depth in the coming weeks. Please do get in touch and let us all know your success stories and also, questions on how to start the ball rolling with your social media campaign.
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